Page ID: 63

Like "r" in the following English words (see notes below):

  • Brown
  • Car
  • Red



The IPA sound [r] is known as the alveolar trill or rolled "R" sound. It is a vibrant, or trilled, consonant produced by vibrating or rolling the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, which is the ridge behind the upper teeth. To produce this sound, you need to position the tip of your tongue against the ridge and let the air flow through, causing the tongue to vibrate or trill.

In English, the /r/ sound is usually produced as a voiced consonant with a longer duration. It's often referred to as the "rhotic" sound and is characterized by a prolonged vibration of the vocal cords.

On the other hand, in Brazilian Portuguese, the trilled /r/ sound tends to be shorter in duration. Instead of a prolonged vibration, it is produced with a quick tap or flap of the tongue against the alveolar ridge. This results in a briefer sound compared to the English /r/.

However, it's important to note that the duration of the /r/ sound can vary among different speakers and regions within Brazil. Some speakers may produce a longer trill, while others may have a shorter trill. These variations are influenced by factors such as dialects, individual speech patterns, and personal accents.


In certain regions of Brazil the letter "r" is pronounced as the /ʁ/ sound. The /ʁ/ sound is a guttural "r" sound produced by friction at the back of the throat, rather than a trilled "r" sound at the front of the mouth. For more on the /ʁ/ sound, see: