Page ID: 65


Click the green "audio" button to listen to the audio.
Follow the written dialogue in Portuguese while the audio plays.
Click the Audio button to open the IPA transcription and the English translation of the Portuguese sentence.
Refer to the IPA transcription to familiarize yourself with the correct pronunciation of each word in the sentence.
Once you're familiar with the dialogue (by listening to the audio multiple times while following the written dialogue), move on to the first flashcard exercise to start memorizing the sentences.
There's no need to memorize the sentences at this time. Just focus on getting familiar with them.
To make the most of the IPA transcriptions of the sentences, refer to the links below. The first link will take you to the IPA symbol chart, and the second link explains how to use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system to improve your pronunciation:


  1. John: Boa noite, como você está hoje?
    • IPA: /ˈbo.a ˈnoj.tʃi ˈ vo.'se esˈta ˈo.ʒi/
    • Good evening, how are you today?
  2. Sarah: Estou bem, obrigada. E você?
    • IPA: /esˈtou ˈbẽj obɾiˈɡada e vo.'se/
    • I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?
  3. John: Estou bem, obrigado.
    • IPA: /esˈtou ˈbẽj obɾiˈɡadu/
    • I'm fine, thanks.
  4. Sarah: Foi bom conversar com você.
    • IPA: /ˈfoj ˈbõ kõ.veʁ.saʁ kõ vo.'se/
    • It was nice talking to you.
  5. John: Você tenha uma boa noite!
    • IPA: /voˈsɛ ˈtẽ.ɲa ˈuma ˈbo.a ˈnoj.tʃi/
    • You have a good night!
  6. Sarah: Igualmente!
    • IPA: /i.ɡwawˈmẽ.tʃi/
    • Likewise!


  1. Até logo!
    • IPA: /a'te ˈlo.ɡu/
    • See you soon!
  2. Até mais tarde!
    • IPA: /a'te ˈmais ˈtaʁde/
    • Until later!
  3. Até amanhã!
    • IPA: /a'te a.mãˈɲãw/
    • Until tomorrow!
  4. Até a próxima!
    • IPA: /a'te a ˈpɾ
    • Until next time!
  5. Tenha um bom dia!
    • IPA: /ˈtẽ.ɲa ũ ˈbõ ˈdʒi.a/
    • Have a good day!
  6. Tenha uma boa tarde!
    • IPA: /ˈtẽ.ɲa uma ˈboa ˈtaʁ.de/
    • Have a good afternoon!
  7. Tenha uma boa noite!
    • IPA: /night! - /ˈtẽ.ɲa uma ˈboa ˈnoj.tʃi/
    • Have a good evening/night!
  8. Adeus!
    • IPA: /a.ˈ
    • Goodbye!
  9. Para você também.
    • IPA: /pa.ɾa ˈ ˈtãˈbẽj/
    • The same to you.
  10. Boa noite!
    • IPA: /ˈbo.a ˈnoj.tʃi/
    • Good night!
  11. Boa tarde!
    • IPA: /ˈbo.a ˈtaʁ.de/
    • Good afternoon!
  12. Tchau!
    • IPA: /ˈtʃaw/
    • Bye!
  13. Valeu!
    • IPA: /va.ˈlew/
    • Thanks!


TIP 1: In Brazilian Portuguese, there is no strict division between "evening" and "night" when it comes to the greeting "boa noite." The phrase "boa noite" is used to wish someone a good evening as well as a good night.

TIP 2: "Valeu" is a slang term commonly used in Brazilian Portuguese, especially in casual and informal situations. It's a way of saying "thanks" or "thank you" in a more relaxed and friendly manner.

People from different walks of life in Brazil use 'valeu' as a way to show appreciation and acknowledge someone's help or kindness whether they are familiar with their listener or not. In formal situations, it's better to use the standard "obrigado" (for males) or "obrigada" (for females) to express gratitude.